Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Jim Carrey on Eckhart Tolle's teachings

Jim Carrey on Eckhart Tolle's teachings

I saw this clip originally on the Oprah Winfrey Show years ago. I came across it tonight and seeing it was a good reminder for me. Here actor Jim Carrey talks about how there were occasions in which he spent great periods of time thinking about a person he resented and how he would respond to this person if he were to speak with them.

I've done this and I can only imagine that some of you out there have as well.

I remember thinking of an old friend who had hurt me so deeply and I would spend so much time thinking about her. I'd be in the shower thinking about her, I'd be at the gym thinking about her, I'd drive thinking about her. I knew that this was a waste of my time and a waste of my energy. I knew that I was letting this person have a lot of power over me but I felt that I couldn't stop thinking about how hurt I was and how resentful I felt.

Unfortunately, I cannot remember how long it took for me to finally settle down and simmer down. Eventually she wasn't in my thoughts as much as she was but I know that a lot of this had to do with the simple fact that time had passed and continued to pass. And you know what they say, "time heals all things." But admittedly I didn't really engage in the hard work it takes to move on.

To this day I think of her every now and then and I'm sure she'll pop into my head in the future. The resentment I feel is not as intense but it's there lingering.

I think to truly work at something one has to be engaged in the process of working on something. In order to truly move on from hurt one must understand that what they are doing is working on healing. It's not just about time healing all things but about identifying the power we have and the power we let others have over us.

I was always an introspective child and I am very much an introspective adult. I've always been analytical, theoretical, and wanting to grow. While I think it is important and good to introspect it is also important to understand that introspection does not always mean that one has it all figured out. It does not mean that there isn't more to learn. More than likely at any point in your life there is a lot to learn.

This little video clip took me back to the beginning of my pain with this old friend and I really do see that I need to handle things differently from the get go. It's much easier to battle negative thoughts I have towards this person being that my thoughts towards them aren't as urgent. It's a different story altogether when emotions are sparking.

To learn more about Eckhart Tolle visit his official website here.
Visit his facebook page here.

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