Saturday, April 23, 2011

my coffee name


Did anyone ever see that episode of Will & Grace where both characters reveal that they have "coffee names?" Both stated that they gave fake names which were written on the side of their to-go coffee cups.

I remember thinking I'd try it but never did. This past Friday I purchased a chai tea latte from Starbucks and when the barista asked me for my name I said, "Story". I have seen this name written "Storey" but I think that takes away from the name.

If I were to choose another name other than my own I would love the name Story as I am a sucker for a good storyteller.

Folk music is my favorite style of music and I feel closer to the art of story telling with that genre of music. I love to listen to musicians speak at their shows. I've been attending concerts since I was a teen and I have always felt a little cheated when I'd attend rock shows and punk shows and the artists wouldn't say much. They'd drop the mic at the end of the show, the roar of the crowed filled the venue, the house lights went up and that was that.

When I was little my mother told me that I was "the girl who liked to tell the story." Magic is in the details. I was a quiet kid and I can be quiet today. Definitely introverted but when I feel comfortable with you I can really get going. You'll get a detailed story whether you like it or not!

When I told that barista that my name was "Story" he picked up his sharpie and paused. "What?", he said. I spelled it quickly as I felt as though I couldn't keep up with the lie. "S-T-O-R-Y."

When I received my drink I took a photo of it with my cell phone. I think I'll keep this up. What a fun way to play pretend. I will be least on my coffee cup.

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