Monday, March 14, 2011

Christina Aguilera is Not Herself Tonight

I just discovered the music video of Christina Aguilera song called "Not Myself Tonight". As always sexism is alive and well in the music industry.

In the video Aguilera promotes the theme of being crazier, sexier, wilder. My belief is that this is alluring to some straight men because it's an example of a woman breaking out of the "norm" and doing something "even more" sexual for the male view/benefit. Was this Aguilera's intent? We may never know, however I can't help but wonder if she is just attempting to appeal to men and if she is attempting to appeal to women she is most likely trying to tell us gals that we too can be free if we were only to express ourselves in a "naughty" way. Cuz, after all sexism is liberating right? That's the ongoing trend in music videos. It was present long before Christina Aguilera came on the scene and it will continue long after.

Why is it that the theme of being crazy sexy is so often linked to scenes of dehumanization?

And why is it that a straight woman "experimenting" with another woman is also viewed as sexually alluring? Aguilera perhaps may think that she is breaking out of her cage with such a notion but really it's just causing some men to view her as submissive - submissive to their desires. I am guessing that most men do not view Aguilera's sexual play with women as empowering and of course it is not. Homosexuality, bisexuality, curiosity are all fine and good but I believe the message in the video is that Aguilera is wild because she's engaging in sexual acts with a woman. It's really not all that wild if you ask me.

Perhaps it's too assuming/arrogant of me to say so but I have a difficult time believing that Aguilera really engages in these practices in the privacy of her bedroom. So what's the point? Fame of course.

(Oh..and a side note.. When I saw this video there was some apparent mimicking of Madonna and Lady Gaga.)

Then of course Aguilera has to defend herself in a "bold" way by saying fuck you to those who don't accept her. Cuz, saying "fuck you" equates to an empowered woman.

And just for good measure there's a shot of Aguilera's perfume too boost product sales.

Christina Aguilera has a great voice but apparently she needs more attention and needs to maintain interest by playing the sexy angle. I don't see Aguilera as bold, dangerous, enticing, alluring, crazy, or breaking new ground. This is boring and it is contributing to sexism. Why is that something to celebrate?

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