Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Business of Being Born documentary - giving the power back to the woman

Because I am a woman who adamantly does not want children I never really gave a lot of thought about the birthing process. A friend of mine gave birth to her boy at home with a midwife. I thought wow what a warrior! I kind of left it at that.

She told me about this documentary called The Business of Giving Birth. She thought it'd be a good idea if I checked it out. I had forgotten all about it until another friend of mine (who also does not want children) reminded me of it. She said she found it on Youtube so I went straight to it.

I went back to the friend who had originally recommended the film. I asked her how she felt about the process of giving birth in a hospital vs. having a child at home. The film itself addresses this issue. You will have such a respect for midwives after watching this film!

You will also learn about the horrific history of birthing in hospitals and how current hospitals run the business of birthing now. You will learn about the drugs women are given in the hospitals that actually agitate the birth. You will learn that there is a c-section trend that is not always necessary.

The Business of Being Born PART 1

The Business of Being Born PART 2

The Business of Being Born PART 3

The Business of Being Born PART 4

The Business of Being Born PART 5

The Business of Being Born PART 6

Even though I have no desire to have children I love that my body is capable of doing so. In our patriarchal, pornographic culture the vagina is often seen as something that must be entered only. Although many men and women alike give in to the patriarchal idea that vaginas are meant to cater to men and the male ego, many of us know that that is not their purpose. Many of us are also aware that women connect to their vaginas in different ways.

Sometimes we connect sexually, sometimes we connect in matters of health, and sometimes we understand that a vagina can release a child. We can all come to realize that sometimes vaginas have nothing to do with erotic desire and that is perfectly okay. It is more than okay, it is great.

Men who watch this film will witness women moaning but it has nothing to do with sexual pleasure. Men who watch this film will see women with bare chests but their breasts are not revealed to entice men. Men who watch this film will see how involved male partners can as they support their female partners as they go through labor.

Women who watch this film will learn that laying back on a bed is not the optimal position for giving birth. Women who watch this film will marvel when they watch a midwife instructing women to take hold of their own child and bring it into the world.

As I watched and watched I began to wonder. Why are there only midwives? Not Hmm. Let us all ponder that shall we?

I still don't want children of my own but I'm finding that the birth process can be more empowering than I ever thought it could be.

I would encourage any woman considering to have a child to watch this film. Know your options. Know them well.

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