Saturday, June 12, 2010

why pornography is harmful to your orgasm


"What kind of person are you when you have created a sexual identity in which an orgasm in it of itself is adequate to fulfill your needs? Because we all know from experience even the crassest of men know from experience that sexuality is more than that. That there are other things one feels within sexual experiences, a sense of connection to another person, a greater awareness of one's own humanity and sometimes even a profound sense of the world that can come in meaningful and deep sexual experiences.

We know that the kind of sexuality men are trained has in fact different consequences which is for us to check out emotionally, to numb up. To separate ourselves from ourselves. And here I think the argument to make to men is when you are using pornography you are not only objectifying a woman and reducing her to something less than fully human, you are objectifying yourself . The process that's required to be able to masturbate to, to orgasm to pornography is self objectifying as well. You are robbing yourself of your own deeper self of being a human being."

~Real Men, Real Choices by Robert Jensen at the National Feminist Antipornography Conference: Pornography & Pop Culture Wheelock College, Boston March 24, 2007
For more information on Robert Jensen and his work go to

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