Thursday, June 3, 2010

A List That Promotes Manipulation: "19 Ways to Get Her to Go Down"

I was reading a post from Appetite for Equal Rights which mentioned an article on a website called The Frisky. The website appears to be akin to Cosmo magazine but online. The article is entitled "19 Ways to Get Her to Go Down". The mere title of the article brought a feeling of heaviness to my chest. The article lists 19 suggested ways in which to convince a woman to perform oral sex onto a man. It's bad enough when "mens magazines" print articles like these but I happen to notice that this article was posted by a woman.


The author's list includes suggestions such as offering a woman jewelry, nursing a woman back to health, sending a woman flowers, thanking a woman, cooking for her and fifteen other recommendations.

What pains me about this article is that it is listing ways in which to manipulate a woman. This female author is actually encouraging men to perform obligatory tasks rather than offer themselves with honest and heart. This list also neglects the importance of sincere communication between partners.

I am not a fan of "womens magazines" and "mens magazines" as they often perpetuate sexism. The Frisky does exactly this by posting articles like "19 Ways to Get Her to Go Down".

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