Monday, January 4, 2010

KFC in Taiwan

Thanks to Cupcake Activist for posting the below image.

Apparently in this is a woman displaying new KFC (Kentucy Fried Chicken) egg tarts in Taiwan. The fact that Tawian is selling egg tarts at KFC locations was curious to me so after I saw this brief mention at Cupcake Activist I decided to explore this a bit.

I'm posting this under a "cupcake" category but of course egg tarts are not cupcakes. According to Cupcake Activist this particular dress has become a new way to display and advertise cupcakes...and apparently egg tarts as well.

First of all I am not a fan of egg tarts. So, even though I imagine that they taste much better when not sold at a junk food chain, I wouldn't enjoy them either way.


I did find it interesting to learn that different cultures will sell ethnic foods at an American chain restaurant.


Again, I am not a fan of egg tarts however if you are a person who is...does the above image really look that appetizing?

Portuguese egg tarts generally look like this. Quite a difference ay? But again, KFC is a junk food chain so what can one really expect?


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