Sunday, November 22, 2009

compassion is...

"True compassion is not just an emotional response but a firm commitment founded on reason
~The Dalai Lama

While I am of course not an expert on the Dalai Lama and his teachings, I often find his words to be ones that can be attributed to my own life. As a ("progressive") Christian I often take many aspects of Buddhism and utilize them to enhance my spiritual beliefs.

When it comes to the concept of compassion I think many would agree that it is a positive and appropriate notion. I think that often we are compassionate as we figure it is the right thing to do. And then there are moments when altogether miss opportunities to be compassionate as we are too busy, in a hurry, focused on other issues, or we all together forget.

But why would we forget? Why would the concept of compassion (however we define it) slip our minds? One could say that it is a reflection of our selfishness/self-absorption.

I would also like to suggest that compassion is a concept one must practice. Although we may have a conscious that guides us and tells us that compassion should be organic and natural, I believe that in order to fully understand compassion one must make an effort when it does not feel natural and easy flowing.

This of course does not mean that we are to force compassion in a condescending or trivialistic manner. Throughout the course, we will find for ourselves what compassion means to us and how we choose to exercise it. I myself find that I need to give myself little reminders, despite the fact that I consider myself to be a giving person.

As the Dalai Lama says, compassion is "founded on reason." If compassion makes sense to us, not just emotionally but intellectually, then why not put forth the effort?

This post is not meant to be a lecture to my readers but rather encouragement for you and for myself.

I would also like to note that while I often find quotes from well known individuals, I think that some of our greatest teachers are right in front of us. Friends, lovers, children, co-workers, nature, books, film, music, weather, etc.

Let us strive to make compassion a committment. If we push ourselves to go to the gym after work (and we all know how hard that can be), push ourselves to quit a habit, push ourselves to begin a habit..let us add compassion.

Good luck everyone!

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