Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hello Kitty acrylic nails! Tacky but awesome!


Now these are pretty snazzy! I'd never wear them as they are too long for me. I've never worn fake nails in my life but I'd consider Hello Kitty painted on my natural nails.


These are all incredibly tacky but that's why they are awesome in their own right!


I gotta give props to the ladies who are able to wear these with confidence.


  1. Wowzers, those are some nails!!
    Happy Birthday Hello Kitty! Did you know she turns 30 today?

  2. Yeah I blogged about it a few times. Here's one of the links of you're interested. You can see the rest in my "Hello Kitty" section.

    She's having quite the celebration from Oct 23 to Nov 15. I think it's free. Let me know if you'd like to go!
