Sunday, September 13, 2009

Obama's healthcare plan leaves out undocumented workers and women who want abortions

On September 10th, President Obama delivered a speech to the nation regarding his healthcare plan.

Obama said a lot of things that had me applauding along with the members of the house who were seated before him. However, just how he is going to accomplish this seems a little fuzzy. He admitted that some details were yet to be figured out, which was met with unsettled laughter.

What disturbed me is that Obama's plan is not inclusive of everyone.

"There are also those who claim that our reform effort will insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is false – the reforms I’m proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally. And one more misunderstanding I want to clear up – under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place."

I don't understand why Obama would want to leave out undocumented immigrants and women who desire abortions.

First of all, it is difficult to buy the popular claim that undocumented immigrants are "stealing" American jobs. We make money off of their hard work. I think we all know that the work that these men and women partake in are usually the most labor intensive. Why not allow them the same healthcare that we receive?

Also, it is beyond me as to why Obama would leave out women who make the tough decision to undergo abortions.

In 2008 when Obama and McCain were individually interviewed by Pastor Rick Warren at his Saddleback Chuch in Lake Forest, CA; Obama was asked about his views on abortion. He told Pastor Warren and the rest of us that although he is pro-choice that doesn't mean that he is pro-abortion. He stated that he understands that women who decide to have an abortion often struggle with the decision.

I am in complete agreement with Obama here. I too am pro-choice but that does not necessarily mean I am pro-abortion.

Now, being that Obama is pro-choice, I do not understand why he would decide to discriminate against women who want to undergo a procedure that is legal.

A part of me wonders if he truly is trying to appeal and satisfy republicans so that he can protect himself. If he were to support undocumented workers and women who want abortions he would most likely send the right into a frenzy.

To read the full text of his speech click here.

President Obama's Healthcare Speech - Sept. 10, 2009

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