Saturday, September 5, 2009

Condoms sent to the pope

I guess I'm a bit late with this but I only found out now. Apparently in March of this year Pope Benedict XVI made a controversial statement on a trip to Africa. He said that condoms were not the answer in the continent's fight against HIV.

"You can't resolve it with the distribution of condoms", he told reporters. "On the contrary, it increases the problem."

In response an Italian facebook page recruited other outraged individuals to send condoms to the pope. One website reports that approximately 60,000 condoms were to be delivered to the pope.

I haven't been able to find any current information as to what is going on with the campaign as of now. Neither have I been able to find out if the vatican has responded in anyway.

If anyone wants to send a condom his way however you can do so by emailing him at..

You can also write him at..
His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
Apostolic Palace
00120 Via del Pellegrino
Citta del Vaticano

I don't necessarily think that this protest is productive. Someone I'm sure informed the pope that he received a gazillion condoms and then they were thrown away. He may not have been pleased but it certainly isn't changing his beliefs or policies.

If it helps any of you vent then by all means. I might write the pope but again I know that it will may not even be read or received. We can't really be sure what happens on the other end.

In regards to the issue of AIDS in Africa the pope is quoted as saying, "Look to the future with hope, trust in God's promises and live in his truth. In this way you will build something that will stand and endure".

This sounds a little christian scientist. Ok, a lot christian scientist. See, I myself am a christian woman and I think that the pope's policies on birth control are quite dangerous. As far as I know, christian scientists believe that there is no need for medical intervention. Am I wrong here? If I am someone please correct me as I do not want to misrepresent any group.

It is my understanding that rather than visiting a physician, a christian scientist will rely on prayer and faith in order to heal.

This method is irresponsible in my view as God doesn't want us to sit around and do nothing. Sure we can pray but if we just sit like a bump on a long wait for things to happen that is actually the opposite of what God wants us to do.

The pope seems to think if Africans do nothing to protect themselves but remain strong in their faith in God then all will be well. It is silly to think that God would not want us to use our resources.

I am frightened at the thought of so many following the pope's statements. The pope may have good intentions but he is only promoting harm.

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