Friday, May 29, 2009

Bringing Home the Bacon!

Many who know me understand that I have a fondness for tood themed products. I often love the way food looks more so than it tastes. For example, I have an obsession with cupcakes but Ican't remember the last time I actually ate one. I see humor in random food and I also see the art.

Three of the most random foods that I have a deep aesthetic appreciation for are eggs, toast and bacon. Well, a while back I stumbled upon some bacon products that gave me quite a chuckle. Do I actually like bacon? It's rare that I'll chopm on a piece o' bacon. It's probably one of the worst foods one could put into their system. When I do find myself in front of a piece of bacon I can only eat the meat and I strip away the fat. Bacon is so greasy and fatty on it's own though that it often gives me a tummy ache. But is it funny? It is SO funny.

Here are some random bacon products I came across. Enjoy!


Bacon Pesto Pizza

Peanut Butter and Bacon

Don't ask..

Bacon Martini

Bacon Smoothie

Bacon Pie

Bacon Cake

Bacon Cookie

Bacon Cheesecake ...I think I want to try this!

Bacon Maple Ice cream it me or does this look good?

Bacon Donut ....fat fat and more fat!

"Man Bait lollipop." (a pretty sexist name if you ask me. As if bacon is a macho...and only a man's food)

Green Eggs, Bacon and Milk

Bacon Popcorn

Strawberry Gummy Bacon

Chocolate Bacon

Poor thing!


Bacon Chapstick

Bacon, Eggs, Toast Scarf

Bacon and Egg Ring

Bacon Bracelet

Bacon Lube. I'd stay clear of this one. Hasn't been approved yet. And um...that's not the only reason I'd stay away from this product!

Bacon Mug. I want this!

Bacon Band-Aids

Bacon Flash Drive

Bacon Wallet

Knit Bacon and Eggs

From Jackie Annual 1979. Pure tacky awesomeness!

Bacon, Egg, and Toast Pillows


Glad this person understands bacon will clog his arteries

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